13. November 2010 | By: Kisa

More stuff

This is what eats my time this month:


this is so nice 8D
I'm at work, I come home, I eat, I write, I play I sleep XDDD

Though since I started playing WOW again, I have a good laugh nearly every evening. My companion and me run idiotically through Northrend and fool around.

A ghoul is with us all the time too, 'coz Daniel's a Death Knight. And for that Ghoul sounds like Turk from "Scrubs" we just called it like that.
 Furthermore... we're so stupid there I just need to scribble it all to hold on to it. So this will be flooded with small WoW comics or doodles if I find the time to scan them all XDD


ps: i found a new colouring method for sketches. I like how the colours turn out °_° yeah i might have been the last to discouver it, but leave me be XD