28. September 2012 | By: Kisa

I shall dump!


mostly random stuff i scribbled on my pc at work in lack of my pencil and sketchbook.....
inspired by...various things ;) some things from my work are in it too +laughs*  if i'd show you alle of them this post would be 5 times longer.... so only the short version for now.

ps: that guy on the bottom is insane - just saying..
6. Juli 2012 | By: Kisa

Work Work Work

I'm scribbling like crazy...several pages, desk covers and other things are full of sketches of dragons  from the theme parc *laughs*

but i always for get to take a cam with me or just scan it....

so have a digital doodle I did while brainstorming.

it's Kako - my character from DarkMoon Fairytales ;)
(altered the outfit though)

Fun fact: i was brainstorming a picture for a new children's pillow....
please just don't think about a relation of doodle & topic haha ~