28. April 2010 | By: Kisa

How I try to paint digitally....

or better how i try to try to paint digitally...
or how i... ok ok... i stop here xD

onto the DUMP!

something I did late night... just rummaging through my colours.... being two Characters of a RPG I play in.
watercolours, ballpen (yes I used a BALLPEN! - not: i hate ballpens) and coloured pencils 8D

so this is the Progress of a Part of my 'Alter Ego' Poster. one of them to be precise. So this is the Gnome Mage i drew for a good friend of mine. He called her Rhona o_O

thats the outcome : D I wuite like it... and he did too..so did my teacher XD
awesome eh? *laughs* but I had to do two of them posters..
so heres the other^^

Sophia's the model here - my best friend. she got some kinda fluffy, reptily...THING to pet while walking about XD  i had fun altering the pencilsketch with photoshop <3

about the title....
yesterday I made the decision to get used to painting directly on the computer. so i took my current flash - the Bartimaeus Triology Books which i reread atm - and decided to do some art on them xDD

first off... i had the idea of doing a composition...of the different forms that naugthy djinni takes XD
making it: Gargoyle, Egypt Cat (Abyssinian), Desert Falcon and that Old Egypt Prince Ptolemy.

well... after doing stupid things with SKETCHLAYERS and IMPORTANT colourlayers making it myself more difficult that it should have been.....I'm ok with the outcome until now ö-ö worked on it 2h... + 1/2 h  for the sketches.   need to touch up the 'anatomy' of the gargoylehead and clear outlines..
well i oughta stop babblign about XDD

i like the eyes V_V *comment then silent*

so I'll be going to bed...or something like it...maybe get my ass up reading the 'Print theory' papers since a test is about to doom me on monday *goes dying*

see you soon on the next dump XD
26. April 2010 | By: Kisa

First Dump

And finally I managed to start an Art Blog.... long time i pondered about it, forgot it etc...
so here it is... I wanna keep it up to date - so I'm forced to post, show art and dump it here.

This will give ME some kind of a 'deadline' pressure and some kind of 'observing' my doing and my progress. It will differ between Computer Graphics, Scribbles, Drawings and other stuff. Maybe Layouts/ Pdfs etc-

The picture above is btw a pice of a chalked coral drawn in our 'Non Fictional Illustration' Course.
Somehow it's strange we have this course NOW in our 4th semestre... but oh well *shrugs*

Random Boredom while Working on 'Next Level Conference'. Interesting stuff but sitting on the consoles all day was boring after some time... SO what to do other than observing the gamerz >D

Really chilled Tekken6 Gamer, even MORE relaxed BoomBlox Shooter and an annoyed girl that somehow didn't understand LittleBigPlanet XD i lol'd

thats it for today....

tomorrow will be the next post ò__o

Till then <3